#TBT Photos and The story Behind Them

Everyone of us has our own story. Some are living in a happly life, doing things they wanted. While others are living in a harsh life and still finding their selves.

Me and you are different, though experienced the same problems, struggles and sacrifices. But, we have different ways dealing with it and this circumstances brings different impacts in our lives. All of us has our own story ever since we were born.

As for me, for 20 years of living, every circumstances I have encountered there’s always stories behind on it, just like these pictures.

This photo was taken 10 years ago, I was 11 years old that time. This was the first time I became a flower girl at my aunt’s wedding.  I was able to spend time together with cousins and friends. This was also my last picture with my Lolo who’s now in heaven. It was indeed a great experience for me.

It was taken last 2018 where I joined Ms. Camaman-an and won as a Second runner up. My experience during that time is kinda bittersweet, I was criticize by many and I doubted myself. At that time, I never thought that I will be chosen for the final round. That’s why, when I was announced as one of the top five, I was so happy  and proud for myself. This experience reminded me to always do things with humility then surely I will get off with pride. Becoming a Miss Camaman-an 2018 Second Runner Up is an experience I will always treasure.

This is the time where I joined modelling at passionista. I was so shy back then, that’s why I always asked my bestfriend to come with me. My bestfriend become my designer, sister and mother. She’s always with me, in my ups and downs and I’m so lucky to have her as a friend that I can always lean on.

This photo was taken last 2018 where I completed my junior and senior years. Since Im the eldest, I am the first child of my parents who graduated High school. I graduated with honors and I was awarded as an outstanding work imersee. I was so happy that time because I make my parents proud and happy.

This was taken last 2019 where I did my farewell message and walk as Ms. Camaman-an 2018 Second runner up. At that time, I was able to meet my friends again. We laughed, joked and talked with different things and spend time together like its our last.

This photo was taken after our training in bookkeeping NClll. I am one of the eight students who took the examination, but only five of us passed. I was so nervous that time, I thought that I can’t make it, that I will fail again. But things happened differently, I was able to finished my transactions for three and half hours and the next day they informed me that I passed the exam.

This photo was taken when I joined Mr and Ms CITC. I was so devastated that time. Im afraid of disappointments, of failure and I hate losing. But, that is life you can be at the top, you can also be at the bottom. Though I did not make it to top, I am still blessed and thankful for the experience.

This was during higalaay festival 2019, as a city scholar we are encourage to participate in higalaay parade. This is the first time I’ve witnessed the higalaay festival with friends from Iskolar sa Dakbayan.

These experiences molded me for who I am today, to do things I wanted and to become a better person. Yes I failed, but it doesn’t mean that I’m loser or what. In fact, it motivates me to go on and do my best. 

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